Thursday, February 7, 2013

Blog Post #6 - Howl Imitation

Although you've been assigned to read "A Supermarket in California," Allen Ginsberg's more famous poem is "Howl."

Assignment: Write a "Howl" imitation

Step 1:  Watch the video above to hear the poem read out loud.
Step 2: Write your own version. In your own version, make use of some of the same conventions that you see showcased in both "A Supermarket in California" and "Howl":

*Use long lines. In fact, your text prints the lines like paragraphs. Each of those things that looks like a paragraph is actually a line!
* Use  anaphora. Match the poet in the phrases he repeats.
*Make specific references to the times you live in.
* Make reference to political or social problems you see present in your neighborhood or your nation.

Step 3: It might also help to see these examples written by other ENGL150 students:

I saw the minds of my generation…


Turn into dope smoking hippie professors that think they’ve been everywhere, experienced everything, know more than me, and yet, in the process of all that, forgot how to teach “the damn class,” so they ramble on and on about non-sensible crap and hop that we don’t realize that they really don’t have a clue.


Who watch reality TV, what is the point. People go on network TV and make idiots of themselves, people who are desperate enough to look for their future partner, live in the wild for money when others are already forced to do it every day for free.


For drivers refusing to pull over while a long train of vehicles are forced to follow traveling 30 miles an hour behind it.


Who accept people talking on cell phones while driving and screaming “Check me out! I’m all foam, no beer!”


Who pay money for a parking permit only to park on the street because they have either torn up or blocked off the main parking lot.


Who use Mario and surround sound zenith as babysitters turning their children into electronic game obsessed television freaks.


And guys who obviously don’t know their waist sizes but feel the need to share their Calvin’s and Tommy’s with the world.


I saw the minds of my generation obsessed with no carbs, no fat, no calories—no taste that will make us think and look like someone else’s idea of perfection and beautiful.


Who break promises made to loved ones by saying they will do something but never do.


Who live in a male chauvinistic world where men believe women are doormats, who should cook and clean and bear their children and are not worth any more than that, we are to be neither seen nor heard only material objects, not living beings, forced to perform for the man’s glory and gratification.


I saw the minds of my generation accept a justice system based on the premise of “if you do the crime, you do the time” unless you know someone, you have the money, or your victim isn’t perfect.


Who have rights unless some pencil pushing holier than though carbon copy of whoever is in power at that time decides that you have no more rights.


For a government’s need to concern itself more with who I sleep with rather than if I have sufficient healthcare or the means to pay for it.


Who accepts a President’s lack of international leadership by alientating all countries for whom, if they are not with us, are against us.


Who saw the minds of my generation accept their political leaders sending other parents’ children forcefully into another country based on the premise of weapons of mass destruction: who are content with a terrorist free to terrorize again.


Who have seen a country change its demeanor everytime yellow changes to orange and god forbid ever to red.





I saw the best minds of my generation wallowing in huge piles of garbage


Who drive gas hog SUVs to McDonald’s, crying, “Fries with that?”


I saw the best minds of my generation drowning in debt—for here today, gone tomorrow material items.


I the grocery they buy their peanut butter tubes, Gogurts, individual pudding and Jello, chip grab bags, tuna salad sacks.


Drivng down the road in their SUV’s talking on their camera color picture cell phone, eating their instant microwaveable foods and pulling into Starbucks


Waiting in line in the drive through for $4 cup of double shot double mocha latte,


Wondering what is on sale at the Bon that they can charge to their plastic.


I saw the best minds of my generation contemplating bankruptcy or worse yet


Thinking of whether they can charge the bankruptcy fee, but then Scott Peterson comes to mind.


I saw the best minds of my generation taking new medications.


Who turn on their TV’s to hear of the latest medicines they have to have


Who cares what the side effects are as long as we receive satisfaction.


I saw the best minds of my generation getting shipped home in a box with nothing but a flag to show


Who and what are they fighting for?  Does anyone really know?


I saw the best minds of my generation wasting away their time,


Who seeking redemption from their daily .lives gazing into the world-wide web


Who go to Ebay to buy more material possessions and charge them on the web, to their credit cards.


Who can gamble away their home on web casinos.


We pull out our electric toothbrush and leave the water running.  All the lights are on in the house.  There are phones and TV’s left on in every room.


The cable, electric, water, cell phone, credit card, mortgage, car, mechanic, hair dresser, computer, insurance, pharmacist, doctor, dentist, and tax bills are all laying on the floor.





I saw the best minds of my generation stuck in school on the East Coast


Who drive beat-up cars down jam-packed streets craved pizza and luke-warm beer


Medical minds of the fast-food joint


Who escape the pressures of school by their pilgrimage to the bar


Who then meet what’s her name from out of state-single-one night stand


Who are at the financial burden of their parents, waste away in a one room dorm.


I saw the best minds of my generation contemplating quitting school, in the quietness of the school library


Who have no fear of never meeting their parents expectations and successful 6-digit salary


Who chanting basketball lingo and obscenities found that Jordan was God.


Who then later, after burn-out of college ways, ventured pilgrimage to the dean’s list.


And, after 3 years achieved the process of mental maturity, returned to the library


I saw the best minds of my generation, standing at the podium,


Pharmaceutical supplier of many lethal campaigns


Whose dependency and dazed character worshipped the pills in which they consume


Who on a cold-sweaty night lay shivering from their last fix


Who turn in every direction to pay for their addiction


I saw the best minds of my generation perfecting deceit


Who then stare their parents in the face tangled in a web of lies


Who lost and lonely gaze at the walls of a rehab center


I saw the best minds of my generation replaying life of an addict in his mind.


Clean cut members of the Taco Time franchise


Who maxed out credit and on his own tremored in his on reality


Who on the anniversary of graduation got stuck in the library with someone in his shoes yelling nonsense.




I see the best minds of my generation becoming incredibly shifty.


Department of Corrections reports high population of child sex offenders


The priests, the pope, the hooker, the hoodlum, the mechanic, my friend all out 4 money


I see the best  minds of my generation sucking dick.


Same sex marriage, Girls wanting foursomes in the bar. Exstasy and meth strange sex. Who’s next what’s next


In the paper yesterday an article on rampant child porn increasing among teacher’s computers.


I see the best minds of my generation chasing self-gratification in an existential nature


Who was the good Samaritan?


Where does he live so we can take his life


Steal his wife while he sits humbly at the table.


Girls Gone Wild, kids going wild, Government out of control.


If it makes you feel good, do it. God won’t care, doesn’t care about the end is nothingness.


Jealousy, Envy, Strive are consequence, $3.00 cup of Starbucks coffee and gas at $2 a gallon


Greedy minds and greedy times in the season of giving.


Happy minds and good times drunk from a bottle mixed with green leaf trees in ziplock baggies…



I saw the best minds of my generation burdened by a state school board’s manipulations


Who willingly purchase parking permits only to end up parking with the dead


Who are forced to purchase books at unrealistically inflated prices


Whose dorm inhabitants are wrenched with the smell of sweaty gym socks, jock straps, and mold


Who eat pizza drenched with government cheese which is as touch as the cardboard crust after sitting under a heat lamp since last semester


Who share their higher education double latte with the caffeine addicted squirrels


Who are shuffled through the system by an uninformed staff of advisors


Who struggle with intro classes while breezing through 200’s


I saw the best minds of my generation stimulated intellectually despite the downfalls of the institution


Who are packed into a desk/chair donated by the recently condemned elementary school


Who are at the mercy of the corrupt financial aid department hovering over its weak victims


I saw the best minds of my generation climbing trees to get their morning fix from the thieving squirrels


I saw the best minds of my generation contemplating transfer to the U of I.




I saw the best minds of my generation…


Wilding away endless hours of mind numbing violence transfixed upon the gory images of Halo


Who are satisfied with mediocrity working dead end jobs coming home to their bongs in order to pass away valuable hours, hours that should have been spent rearing their children in a more positive light.


Whose ears are permanently attached to cell phones, selfishly risking the lives of others while recklessly weaving in and out of rush our traffic


I saw the best minds of my generation trap themselves into credit debt because of their materialistic necessities, a brand new Saab and pimped out to the max


Who lack respect for all other life forms but themselves, loud thumping music that vibrates the streets, screeching tires, flicking pierced tongues at the elderly, but we can because we are generation X


Who take the lives of others while still children themselves


Who strip the innocence of young children while entertaining their demented thoughts only to be slapped on the wrist after having shattered irreplaceable lives.


I saw the best minds of my generation who take free handouts from the government in order to sustain their own slothful laziness, more children = more money


Whose raising their children or lack thereof is inevitably leading to the irreversible downfall of our society


Whose personal freedoms are being stripped by the assholes that govern us


Who search for short cuts and half ass getting GED’s being satisfied with their pathetic minimum wage only to return to mommy and daddy while pushing the age of 30


Who prefer to live their lives watching others on reality series as if our own lives aren’t real enough, is it necessary to gain personal enjoyment off other drama?


I saw the best mind of our generations heavily self medicate in order to take away their problem or ease their pain.


Who destroy themselves mentally and physically to gain what society views as the perfect image, the Barbie doll image


Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and who can forget Mary Kate Olsen


Who tear down others to make themselves feel better to make up for their own insecurities because we are afraid of that which is different


Who artificially enhance their bodies in order to satisfy the absurd opinions of others as to what is acceptable, extreme makeovers


Who are more concerned with what’s on the outside than what is in the inside


Who live by the motto party today for tomorrow we shall die, sex, drugs, and rock and roll


Who run away from life and their problems not considering the future at hand


I saw the best minds of my generation fall apart, giving up on life, all of this without a care


Who knowingly transmit STD’s without the thought of any others in mind, thus ultimately committing murder


I saw the best minds of my generation crumble under the constant pressures of everyday life.



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