Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog Post #13 - Best of/Worst of...

Assignment: I'd like you to enter into a discussion about the following:

What was your favorite poem? Your least favorite poem? Why?

What was your favorite short story? Your least favorite short story? Why?

Should next semester's ENGL150 students read Death of a Salesman?

How did you feel about watching Hollywood versions of Bartleby and Death of a Salesman? Is there utility in seeing a visual version of something you're responsible to read?

What was your favorite in-class activity? What was your least favorite in-class activity?

You'll notice that I didn't have your small groups present (even though the syllabus claimed you would). Did you miss that? Would you have rather that whole-class discussions were led by students doing presentations?

Finally, what are your feelings on the creative blog entries? Which entry did you enjoy most? Least?

I won't specify a length for this, as long as you answer the questions above. However, the more specific you can be, the more helpful your answers will be as I reflect on this semester and what I'm going to change for the next ENGL150.
